College knowledge: Fordham University

This week I attended a webinar featuring Fordham University in New York City, and wanted to offer some of my thoughts about how it compares with other colleges and universities in the Big Apple.

Fordham has two campuses: one located in the heart of Manhattan in Lincoln Center, which is where Fordham's performing arts programs are housed, and one in the Rose Hill neighborhood of the Bronx, where the campus feels slightly less urban and more collegiate, and where some of the more traditional college programs are located.

Fordham differs from universities such as New York University, Columbia University, and Pace University in that it is less selective on the admissions side, less intense academically, and more religious. Founded by Jesuit missionaries in 1841, the university still retains its Jesuit traditions in the sense that good teaching is highly valued, personal relationships are emphasized, and the school motto is "wisdom and learning." That said, only about 33% of Fordham students are Catholic, meaning that the overwhelming majority are not. In part because of the school's location in one of the world's most cosmopolitan cities, the overall student population is diverse in terms of religion, ethnicity, race, and national origin.

Fordham is probably best known for its performing arts programs, but it also has strong programs in business, history, biological sciences, psychology, economics, communication studies, and film and television. One business administration major says that "Fordham offers a good balance between academic rigor and a relaxed atmosphere," especially since students often collaborate on homework and projects. And because students have the option to take classes at both the Lincoln Center and Rose Hill campuses, they become experts of New York City and all that it has to offer in terms of arts, culture, and entertainment. It's a great choice for students who want to experience the city fully, but without the stress and intensity of a school like NYU or Columbia.

To learn more about individual colleges and to start your own college journey, use the contact form on my website to schedule a free initial consultation.



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