Summer and personal statements

Congratulations to all high school students for successfully completing another year of high school! If you'll be a high school senior in the fall, I'd like to offer a suggestion for a task to work on this summer. If you are planning to apply to colleges in the fall and either don't know yet where you'll be applying or plan to apply to at least one school that uses the Common App, the summer before senior year of high school is the ideal time to write your Common App personal statement.

For any student approaching the Common App personal statement, I offer these top 5 suggestions:

1. Read the prompts posted on College Board's website, but you don't need to obsess over them. The prompts are written in such a way that you can write about almost anything and it will most likely fit one of the prompts.

2. Tell a story. Vivid details and experiences will make your essay come alive much more than general statements of what you learned, or what you achieved. Good storytelling will enable you to find these specifics.

3. Make sure that your essay allows admissions committees to learn something about you. While it can be a humble gesture to write about your admiration for someone else, it doesn't really allow the admissions committee to learn very much about your personality or your character. This is one time when it really is okay to talk about yourself.

4. Use the space you have. The Common App personal statement is capped at 650 words. Use them! The essay prompt says to write between 250 and 650 words, but a 250-word essay is going to feel pretty skeletal to most readers.

5. Get feedback. Many applicants are reluctant to let anyone else see their essay. This is a mistake. Find someone you know and trust who can give you specific feedback and offer suggestions for revision.

If you'd like help figuring out what you want to write about, how to get started, how to draft your essay, and how to polish it for submission, use the contact form on my website to reach out. I thoroughly enjoy working with students on their college essays during the summer!

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College knowledge: Fordham University


College visit: Georgia Tech