Maintaining family harmony

As an independent college admissions counselor, the most common theme I hear in my conversations with parents is how stressful college admissions can be. Helping to make the process more streamlined and less taxing on families is one of the most important, and most rewarding, parts of my job.

I have a few suggestions for families that I believe can help make college admissions more emotionally calm for both students and their parents:

1. Schedule a time (I suggest weekly or biweekly) for a family conversation about college. During this time it is fair game for parents to inquire about college lists, deadlines, essays, scholarships, finances--all of it. The flip side is that they also agree not to nag their child about college during other times. Most students will be more forthcoming, less avoidant, and less grumpy when they know this conversation is coming. It will make other family times more enjoyable.

2. When doing college visits, set aside time after the info session, campus tour, and department visits (maybe in a coffee shop in the college town) to debrief. The College Spy sells a deck of cards with helpful question prompts for these conversations.

3. Take what you hear from other families with a grain of salt. Try your best not to be drawn into their obsession with college rankings, admission rates, and competition. Each student's unique educational journey deserves to be honored and valued for what it is.

4. Hire me! No, really. I know this is self-serving, but it's also the truth. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the expression of relief on a parent's face once we've settled on a package and our work together has begun. Having the peace of mind knowing another person has your back through this process is incredibly empowering and comforting.

5. It's all going to work out. Despite everyone's best efforts and intentions, your student might not be admitted to Princeton. But when we do this process right, they're going to be accepted to a great school that is the right fit for them. It will feel like it was meant to be.

Ready to get started? Use the contact form on my website to schedule your free consultation today!


Chasing prestige vs. chasing merit


College knowledge: Fordham University