Summer college tours

I have often heard the conventional wisdom given to high school students and their families that they should avoid touring college campuses in the summer because campuses will be "dead." To an extent this is true. It is true that few, if any, classes meet during the summer, and there won't be concerts, poetry readings, and sporting events on par with what happens during a regular semester.

I've attended open houses, group tours, and information sessions at dozens of colleges. I have toured at all times of year, including summer and college breaks. Here are my thoughts:

Yes, colleges are quiet during the summer. And yes, absolutely, you should take summer college tours. Here's why.

Most students and their families do not have enough time during the school year to devote to touring an appropriate number of colleges to build a strong college list. Some high schools do allocate days for seniors to visit colleges, but this type of travel is often difficult to squeeze in once the school year begins—especially if it involves getting on a plane. And in most cases, an excused absence doesn't relieve the student of the responsibility to make up schoolwork they've missed.

College tours are essential to a thorough and thoughtful college admissions process. Students who take several college tours come to understand their college preferences and confidently choose the right schools to apply to. They engage deeply in the admissions process. They don't procrastinate on their applications as much as students who are passive about building their college lists. They devote more time to their college essays. They work harder in school to improve their grades because they are able to visualize themselves at the colleges and universities of their choice, and are motivated to get there.

Please do tour colleges in the summer. Build college tours into the travel plans that you already have. It will be relatively quiet on campus, it is true, but I guarantee the experience will be well worth your time.

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