Success in tenth grade

Sophomore year of high school is often regarded as a kind of “middle child” year. Some students report experiencing a kind of existential ennui—and a resulting loss of purpose. But it doesn't have to be that way! Here are my top 5 tips for making tenth grade a meaningful year in the college preparation process:

1. Read, read, read. If there’s one thing you can do to improve your academic performance across all classes, it’s developing your reading skills. The great news here is that it mostly doesn’t matter what you read; to derive the intellectual benefits of reading, it only matters that you read.

2. Continue to grow as a learner. How did freshman year go? What do you want to build on, or improve on? I recommend setting goals that are less about results (“I will get an A in Spanish”) and more about habits. “I will show my English teacher a draft of all my papers before handing them in” is a worthwhile goal, as is “I will read one book for pleasure over winter break.”

3. Deepen your involvement. Maybe last year you joined your high school’s badminton team. Consider committing to a regular practice and training schedule to help you improve as a player and team leader.

4. Keep a journal. Write in it at least four days a week for 30 minutes. No need to show it to anyone else—this journal is for your personal use only. It’s a great way to collect thoughts, process your experiences, vent your frustrations, and celebrate your successes. Research shows that keeping a journal is good for your emotional health. This is especially important during the inevitable turbulent times that will come.

5. Prepare for, and take, the PSAT. Taking the PSAT in the spring of sophomore year sets you up to take the SAT in your junior year. That way you can re-take the SAT if you wish to improve your score. Before you take the PSAT, I strongly recommend preparing for it so that you’ll be familiar with the test format. Khan Academy has a free online course designed for PSAT prep.

If you'd like to learn more about the college preparation process, use the contact form on my website to schedule a free consultation.



Eleventh grade: looking ahead


Settling into ninth grade