PNACAC College Fair

If you’re a high school student in a place like Bozeman, scheduling college visits can feel daunting. If you’re considering colleges in several different parts of the country, this may involve taking multiple weeks out of the year: buying plane tickets, planning long road trips, and navigating unfamiliar parts of the country. The process can be both stressful and expensive.

College fairs are a great way to learn more about multiple colleges as part of a single visit. For students in the Rocky Mountain West and Pacific Northwest, I highly recommend attending the Pacific Northwest Association for College Admission Counseling (PNACAC) College Fair, which will be held this year at the Spokane Convention Center in Spokane, Washington, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19.

I won’t have a table set up, but I will be there. And if you’re considering attending college, especially in the Pacific Northwest or Rocky Mountain West, you should come, too. There will be representatives from colleges and universities—large and small, public and private, secular and religious, liberal arts and STEM—from all over the country. Even if you just take the time to talk with five or six of these admissions reps, you will learn a great deal about these colleges, and you’ll gain greater insight into what you’re looking for in a college experience.

Mark your calendar, and begin planning your trip to Spokane now!

If you’d like to learn more about college fairs, visiting colleges, and deciding which college is right for you, schedule your free consultation today! Use the contact form on our website to reach out.


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