Congratulations, Danielle!

Today is College Decision Day, meaning that many colleges require first-year students to make their final decisions and submit their tuition deposits no later than today, May 1.

It’s been a really good college admission season for my clients here at Confluence College Admissions Consulting. Every one of my high school seniors is planning to attend college starting in 2023-24, all of them are excited about the colleges they’re planning to attend, and all of them have a viable plan to pay for college. I am incredibly proud of the hard work they put into their personal statements and supplemental essays. I am also pleased to say that none of my clients were content to take my word for it when I advised them to check out one college or another. They did their own research, planned their own college visits (with help from their parents), and corresponded with admissions representatives when they had questions or concerns. Collectively they were offered over $750,000 in scholarships, most of it merit based.

Some of my clients feel shy about sharing their college stories on social media, but suffice it to say that in the fall my clients will be attending an appealing variety of colleges and universities: Drake University, Montana State University, Prescott College, Savannah College of Art and Design, University of Pennsylvania, University of Vermont, and more.

I would like to highlight one student in today’s post. I’ve been working with Danielle since last summer. For her Common App personal statement, Danielle wrote a very funny and unexpectedly moving story about working as a locksmith’s apprentice during the summer after her sophomore year of high school. After being accepted at several small liberal arts colleges, Danielle settled on Gustavus Adolphus College, where she plans to study psychology. Danielle says that she fell in love with Gustavus because of the “Hello Walk,” the sidewalk running through the middle of campus, where it’s tradition for students to greet each other when they pass—whether they know each other or not. She’s excited to be part of a college community where that kind of openness and friendliness is valued and honored.

Congratulations to Danielle, and congratulations to the Confluence College Admissions Consulting Class of 2023!


College visits: South Dakota School of Mines & University of Kentucky


Supporting students with disabilities