College counseling in a group

Have you considered working with a college counselor, but found the cost to be too steep? Or do you prefer working in groups with your peers instead of working one-on-one with an adult? Consider pooling your resources with a small group of your friends!

In addition to one-on-one consulting with students on an individual basis, Confluence College Admissions Consulting offers small-group college counseling. When you do small-group counseling, you get all the same services as with any of our regular packages: your own College Planner Pro account, one-on-one essay support, college list development, and all the rest. The difference is that you’ll pay a reduced rate, and you’ll meet with Jim along with a small group of your peers.

Working along with a group of other college applicants has certain advantages: you’ll learn from your peers’ experiences developing their own college lists, visiting schools, writing essays, and all the rest. You’ll have a group of people to help hold you accountable and offer advice. And you’ll have a group to bond with, socialize with, and share both successes and frustrations along the way. It’s like having your own personalized support group.

Four out of ten college students nationwide receive no contact whatsoever with a college counselor. The average high school student receives 38 minutes of college counseling over four years. High school counselors do the best they can with large caseloads and limited resources, but working with us at Confluence College Admissons Consulting will help you understand which colleges are the right fit for you, how to navigate the finer points of college admissions, answer all your individual questions, and leave you feeling confident about your applications and finances.

If small-group college counseling sounds like an appealing option, please use the contact form on our website to schedule a free one-hour consultation. At that time we can discuss various options for how we can best serve you, and do it within your family’s budget. Reach out to us today!


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