Bridges and Bonds

If you or someone in your family is a graduating senior applying for college, you're probably experiencing the stresses that come along with the college admissions process. These can range from being overwhelmed by all the complex aspects of the college application process to feeling worried about the financial implications for your family.

I'm excited to announce that I am teaming up with resonant healing coach and family constellations facilitator Ann Malabre to offer a free six-session workshop, "Bridges and Bonds," in which we'll tackle these and a number of other thorny topics surrounding college admissions. Structured around a series of circle discussions, we'll form a supportive small community of people seeking to build stronger relationships between parents and graduating teens in the midst of the transition from high school to college. These will be opportunities to share strategies and information, and troubleshoot problem areas together.

We'll meet twice a month from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m. in the Cottonwood Room on the second floor of the Bozeman Public Library. Our first meeting will be this Thursday, October 5. Future dates are as follows:

Thursday, October 26

Thursday, November 9

Monday, November 27

Monday, December 4

Monday, December 18

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions: I hope to see some of you there this Thursday!


Should I apply early?


College visit: MSU Northern