Applying late
Every year around this time, I hear from a few families of high school seniors who are getting started only now on their college application process. The stories of these students vary widely. Some thought initially that they didn’t want to go to college right away, or that they wanted to take a gap year. Others have had some major disruption to their lives and education, and weren’t able to prioritize college applications.
The first question these students have is this: “Is it too late for me to apply to college and start in the fall?”
The answer could be yes or no, depending on their expectations.
If they’re expecting to apply to a highly selective college, or if they want to optimize their chances for receiving scholarships and grants, that ship has sailed. Most highly selective colleges have application deadlines in January or earlier, and colleges tend to award more financial aid to the early birds.
All that said, it’s not too late to apply, and be accepted, to a great college or university that is a perfect fit for you. Many schools have rolling admissions, meaning you can apply well into the summer and still enroll in the fall. I don’t necessarily recommend doing this, but it’s possible. My current late clients are looking at great schools such as Prescott College, Montana State University, University of Montana, and University of Hawaii, as well as universities in Italy and the Netherlands. Reach out now via my website if you’d like help!